You'll never be able to look your ukulele in the face (do they have faces?) if you miss this one..."Night of 100 Ukes"
Thursday, Oct. 16 at New York's favorite tiki bar, Otto's Shrunken Head (538 E. 14th Street, between Ave. A & B). This will be a great night of uke excitement, with five fun acts and best of all, NO COVER!
Agent 99 - 10:30
Fez-sational Hawaiian pop from the Big Island of Manhattan!
Hot Time Harv - 10
The Geriatricsʼ Gigolo featuring J-Boy Shine!
Sweet Soubrette and the Shipwrecks - 9
Brooklynʼs femme fatale with her full band!
Craig Chesler - 8
The cool crooner of ukedom!
The Ukemen - 7:30
Rush Kress and friends making their NYC debut!
SUBWAY: L to First Ave. or 4 / 5 / 6 / N / R / Q / W to Union Sq.
more info.
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