Here it is at last. The Motherlode. The Big One. Enough Christmas, Hanukkah, and miscellaneous holiday music to choke a reindeer. Chords, lyrics, chord arrangements, solo fingerpicking, you name it. Lots of new links this year, and I've just verified or updated all the old links. We hope you enjoy playing and sharing your uke with friends and family this holiday season.
And please, if you know of any sites or charts that we've overlooked, drop Gary a note and we'll add them to the list.
The Ukulelia Holiday Songbook
(With special thanks this year to Al Wood for the new contemporary arrangements and to Jerrold Connors for the header graphic from his Ukulele Boogaloo site. And apologies to Craig, for whom all this ho-ho-ho nonesense makes the brim of his grinchy fedora curl.)
I love the little drawings at the top of this clip. Do you mind if I use it for my Christmas letter? If no I won't steal it. Ukester Brown
Ask Jerrold Connors at Ukulele Boogaloo (look at the Special Thanks in the post for the link)
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