I don’t think it will ever stop raining in Ukuleletown. The top on the Wheelermobile covertible was firmly attached to the windshield as he pulled up Monday with beer and ukuleles.
While he had a couple of upscale ukuleles (a DaSilva and a Longworth), the others that he brought were all inexpensive entry-level sopranos, that, oddly enough, played very well. They stayed in tune and had a pleasing tone. The Martin SO, for it’s poor rep, was still the best sounding, but I would have to say that the Brueko, for the money, was easily the best deal.
Get one for your best girl or your buddy who keeps borrowing your 5K.
Left top right:
1) Applause (Ovation Want-a-bee) Korea -
2) Da Silva (Sunken Redwood) California -
3) Johnson (Uke 150) China
4) Longworth ("Robert" - Concert - Spruce/Koa/Sunburst) Bell Buckle, TN -
5) Brueko - Germany -
6) C.F. Martin - South of the border, down Mexico Way. (Pay back for loosing Mexican American War?????)
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