”Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, two of the most distinctive vocalists in modern music, recently put the finishing touches on Raising Sand - their astonishing new collaborative album. Set for release October 23 on Rounder Records, the album was produced by T Bone Burnett and recorded in Nashville and Los Angeles with a stellar cast of supporting musicians, including guitarists Marc Ribot and Norman Blake, multi-instrumentalist Mike Seeger, drummer Jay Bellerose, and bassist Dennis Crouch. Plant is quick to define Raising Sand as more a band record than a duet record, as it puts the two great singers in a variety of vocal and instrumental combinations - from songs featuring two-part brother-style harmony throughout to solo features for each…..”
yadda yadda yadda, so why is he holding a ukulele? Eh? the whole story
...and why is it a Lanikai?
Maybe he thought that with Allison in the photo, no one would notice...
Robert Plant holding a Lanikai is sorta like Britney Spears holding a Martin 5K, only cattywampus.
I'm very confused.
Plus, he's holding it like it's their love child! I haven't been able to find any evidence of a ukulele being played on the album.
I'm confused too.
-The Uke Box
Maybe he wants to look like a giant, and figures that most people will mistake the uke for a guitar.
When did Robert Plant get so old?
I like my ukulele as well as the next guy, but if I was Robert I would have both my hands on Allison! Mama!
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