Cathy Guthrie and Amy Nelson, aka Folk Uke, were also gracious enough to send us their self-titled debut CD. (A word of caution: with it's liberal peppering of four-letter words, this album is not kid-friendly. It's all wonderfully done, but "Shit Makes the Flowers Grow" is just not something you want your four-year-old singing for company...) Also on the disk is a delightfully folksy rendition of "Tonight You Belong to Me."
Backing instrumentals are provided by Cathy and Amy's dads. (Who I wouldn't mention at all except Fathers' Day is coming up, and who wouldn't want to have Cathy's dad or Amy's dad for a dad. Poke around on the Folk Uke site and you'll know why.) Link
(Thanks, Cathy and Amy!)
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