...because good music is to be found everywhere, no matter what instrument you play it on.
The Madeiran rajão is one of several ancestral instruments to the ukulele. While the machete gave the ukulele its form and scale, it was the rajão that contributed the re-entrant (or my dog has fleas) tuning. The machete is tuned to Open G while the five-stringed rajão is tuned DGCEA. Lose the fifth (D) string and you've got the C uke tuning.
Here is an article (in Portuguese) on the Cordofones Tradicionais Madeirenses blog. (A Google-translated version of the page is here, but it's dodgy.) Enjoy this video of Vitor Sardinha playing Arrivederci Roma (and be sure to stay for the surprising reveal at the end). Link
Hitachi is running a contest in New Zealand to promote its heat pumps. To win, entrants have to upload a YouTube video of themselves performing the Another Hitachi Day jingle on the uke. After March 29th, the video with the most views wins $10,000. A fun idea, isn't it?
There appear to be loads of school groups entered, but at the time of this post, the contest seems to sliding into the "unintended consequences" pit of the internet (natch) with the top videos featuring boobies and naked men. And because Hitachi is also manufacturer of the popular (in select circles) Hitachi Magic Wand, YouTube helpfully serves up some inappropriately off-topic "related" content.
Our vote is for the entry by the Uruti School, a school of only 8 students (video above). Link
"When they get round to writing the history of this ukulele revival Craig Robertson‘s name should be up there with Jake and IZ in importance."Thanks, Al, now there'll no living with him...
"In thinking back to my initial foray into uke, and the shocking instrument I ended up with (he bought a bottom-of-the-line Mahalo–the Yugo of ukuleles –ed.), I thought I'd start a blog about the uke in general, but with a slant aimed at providing beginners, or those interested in getting a uke a solid set of advice on the pitfalls."Barry's book is available on Amazon in both ebook and paper editions. He was kind enough to send us a draft of the ebook. While the book is indeed aimed at absolute beginners, it is in fact pretty comprehensive, covering all the issues likely to nip a the heels of someone starting out: everything from how to pick out your first uke to advice on humidifying your instrument and fingernail care. It is not an instructional guide; there are plenty of how-to-play books out there. It's more of a user's guide, filled with the kind of info you'd eventually pick up from hanging out with a bunch of veteran players for several months but which is all a mystery to someone starting out by themselves. (Note: price advice is given in £s)
Enjoy Jimmie Rodgers's singing Blue Yodel No. 4. Now check out the sheet music with uke chords: Link
As you will recall from our earlier post, Steven Strauss recently had several ukes and other miscellaneous musical equipment stolen from his car.
Sez Steven:
"A bunch of my friends responded to the theft of my ukuleles with expressions of support, for which I'm so grateful. Many said they were interested in attending any musical event whose express purpose would be to get some good working gear together for me, especially ukemaker Michael DaSilva. Mike is hosting a concert for my benefit this Sunday afternoon at four."
An impromptu ukulele concert with Steven Strauss and friends(Thanks, Carol Siegal!)
Time: Sunday, April 17 · 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Place: DaSilva Ukulele Co.
2547 8th Street, #28
City: Berkeley, CA
Update: Mike DaSilva has enabled you to make a PayPal contribution to Steven's uke fund at his site. More details here.
"First, I got a business card. Next—nothing. That’s all I needed—$56 on the credit card. I started handing the thing out all over town: “Chico Uke-O-Gram, bike-messenger service, 864-1604, Send your friend a song.” Very simple, and a picture of a uke on it. The reactions were mostly the same: There’s a 3.5-second delay as the brain struggles to compute Uke-O-Gram, then the “oh yeah” look of comprehension, then a comment, like “Cool!” or “I love it!”"Link
Tomorrow at the big Musikmesse fair in Frankfurt, Martin Guitar is unveiling six new ukulele models. As Chris Martin IV says, “We are excited to bring these new ukulele models to the music community and to debut them in Frankfurt. We are in the midst of a new renaissance for ukuleles, and are confident our new models will meet this demand while upholding the quality and standards Martin owners have come to expect.”The new models being unveiled include (per the Martin site):
The above ukes are all manufactured in Martin’s Nazareth factory, strung with Martin ukulele strings and feature a unique, pressed stamp at the back of the headstock.
"A Martin 1K from the early thirties, a RISA solid electric soprano (low G with plenty of damage to pickup et al), a DaSilva James Hill Tenor (low G), a Harmony Baritone with a purple non-wound low string, a couple of amps"