This Thursday afternoon
Robert Wheeler showed up at my Ukuleletown domicile with only three cases. Of course, one case held
seven ukuleles.
I’ll let Robert tell you what they were….

“Refer to "ukuleles" pic:
Left most slot - Early(slotted wooden pegs) koa Supertone "Now this is ukulele!"
2nd slot - Early (slotted wooden pegs) "rope binding - mahogany - arguably the same maker as above - note fretboard asymmetrical bottom (which you can't see from side) on both ukes.
Out of empty 3rd slot - "20's-30's??" Supertone - mahogany - bound fret board - flame back and bridge like Vita ukes and Johnny Marvin - top grad patent pegs.
(it's out of the slot because I couldn't stop playing it.)4th slot - early 30's ?? Harmony - (red boundary for head decal) mahogany - 12th fret above body -
5th slot 50's Gretsch style "2" mahogany gift from Fred Fallin - mint - original wood grained cardboard box (not in picture)
6th slot - 50's Gretsch style "0" mahogany
7th slot - WWII (30's/40's - gold unboardered black and gold decal) Harmony - father-in-law's (see literature with "Not Soon Forgotten" founder's 2nd CD)
NOT ASSOCIATED WITH SLOTS:Upright - hours old DaSilva 100 year (+) old redwood top from sunken logs/koa back and sides.
Prone - Harmony mahogany concert - likely early 50's (green bordered head decal is symmetrical)”
I really like the Supertones. And to think you could get them at Sears as early as 1914!
Click on photo to enlarge it
(The Ukuleles Photo, not Robert's Head...his head is big enough)