Friday, April 30, 2004
Animated Welcome Display

Uke Fest West in Pictures

Thursday, April 29, 2004
Beau Vine, The Atomic Bard

The Fluke as Computer Accessory
Andy Ihnatko from the Chicago Sun-Times calls the Fluke "one of the finest computer accessories I've ever acquired":
"Yes, it's a computer accessory: It has a flat base, so you can stand it upright next to the keyboard. See, the reason why your computer keeps crashing, freezing and stalling on you isn't because the only people who hate you more than God are programmers. It's because the computer industry wants you to broaden yourself.Saves thousands of dollars on computer hardware, too! (Paul Harvey quoted Andy's piece on his radio show today. I haven't located the segment, but it should be here) Link (Thanks, Dr. Nelson!)
So it keeps giving you these five to 20-minute gaps in the day to learn some new chords..."
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Key Strummer Weblog
The Key Strummers are blogging! Poke around and check out Geoff Davis's trials and tribulations with uke building. He'll also be blogging his experiences on Oahu later this year as he attends an immersion program in all things uke. Link
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Hayward Uke Festival Pix

Billboard Buzz: Tapia Tops
Billboard gave a wonderful review of Bill Tapia's CD "Tropical Swing."
"In an era of manufactured and quickly forgotten pop acts, a debut solo album from a 96-year-old man is quite a surprise. And Hawaiian guitar/ukulele legend Bill Tapia's 'Tropical Swing' is as delightful as it is surprising."Bill graciously autographed my copy on Sunday. This CD is a MUST HAVE. In addition to a bevy of recent recordings, the disc features two rare vintage tracks including Byron Yasui's father's 1936 wire recording of Bill playing "Stars and Stripes Forever."Link
Monday, April 26, 2004
Ukulele Hangover
Geez Louise! Just back to the computer after three (count 'em!) glorious days of total uke immersion. Caught Friday night and Saturday of Uke Fest West, then over to Hayward for the NoCal Ukulele Festival on Sunday. Both were incredible, memorable events. I'll be blogging related items of interest as soon as possible. Suffice it to say that it was a blast meeting lots of Ukulelia readers; meeting Bill Tapia and Lyle Ritz was pretty darn sweet, too.
Hope you made it! If you did and took pix, let me know!
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Howlin' Hobbit's Custom Glyph Soprano

Thursday, April 15, 2004
Uke Box Hero

Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Stephin Merritt Scores Chinese Opera
Stephin Merritt, uke player, and creative force behind The Magnetic Fields, has written the music and lyrics for a 21st century reimagination of Chinese opera. Peach Blossom Fan features a chorus of courtesans singing and playing the uke, natch. It's Directed by Chen Shi-Zheng and is in performance at the Disney/CalArts Theatre in LA until the 24th of April. Link (Read a review here).
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Buck-Moore Electric Uke: Model 1

Judge Finds in Favor of Uke
Former judge in Homer, Alaska made a CD of ukulele music to raise funds for the local library. Link
Friday, April 09, 2004
Ukes in Yachats!
Jim D'Ville sez:
Come to the beautiful central Oregon coast for a one-day ukulele festival, Ukes In Yachats! (pronounced Yah-hots). We'll have a Friday night welcome bonfire and jam on the beach and Saturday will be filled with workshops, an open mic and an evening concert. Performers include Red Poppy (ukulele jug band) Hawaiian Charm (traditional Hawaiian from Portland, Oregon) and ukulele jazz master Lyle Ritz! Friday, September 24th (evening) and Saturday, September 25th, 2004. Late September is our best weather on the Oregon Coast so make your plans now.For more information email Jim D'Ville. Ukuleles and clam chowder...mmmmmm... Discuss
Ian Misses Casting Session...or, Flattered by Fluffer Offer
Talsma Web Site
Lyle Ritz in Miz Kitty's Parlour
Attention Oregonians. Can't make Uke Fest West in Santa Cruz? Then catch Lyle Ritz Saturday night, April 10th in Portland! Tickets in advance at Artichoke Music. Link
The Willamson Playboys

Rock That DVD
Bill Robertson, director of the uke documentary Rock That Uke sez:
"If anyone is interested in receiving email notification about the 'Rock That Uke' DVD when it becomes available for purchase, you can subscribe to a one-time emailing we'll send out. Just send an email to dvd-request@rockthatuke.com and write 'subscribe' in the subject heading. That's it. You don't need to write a message."
Ukulele Teaches Lesson in Humility
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Tuba Plays Uke

Clown Doctor Doses Uke Tunes

"One of Dr Either's favourite tools to help calm people is to take up his ukulele and play a nursery rhyme. He said the tune which works wonders is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. One memory which stands out Dr Either's mind is when he was in the children's ward and heard a little child screaming. Dr Either didn't know the room was out of bounds and he went down there and stood outside the door and played the Twinkle melody until the child's crying stopped."Wonder if anyone ever requests a 10cc tune... Link Discuss
Monday, April 05, 2004
I Want Uke...To Blow Me Away
We can now add Peter Frampton to our ever-growing list of legendary rock guitar players who cut their teeth on ukes. In young Master Frampton's case, his grandmother's banjolele:
"Dad and I were getting down the suitcases to go on some holiday, and there was this little instrument box, and I said, what's that? And I was 7 at the time and dad said that's your grandmother's banjolele."Link Discuss
Texas Uke Fest 2004
Whoa there, pardner! This one plumb snuck up on me. Time to saddle up for the 3rd Annual Ukulele Festival in San Antonio, TX, April 21-23. Check out this august bill of headliners: Shorty Long - Pops & Mysterious John, Michelle Kiba, Debbie Porter, Geoff Davis, Pearl's Girls, Ukulele Ladies & Gents of Texas, Tom Steele, Dallas Ukulele Headquarters (D. U. H.).
Y'all come! Link
Friday, April 02, 2004
The Formby/McFadden Matter
I was going to ask a Ukulelia reader from across the Pond to translate this article for me until I found this less colourful explanation. Evidently, a local TV show winner lost out to George Formby in a poll to see who would be immortalized in bronze. George got 51% of the vote, but Kerry McFadden beat out beloved TV puppet Sooty. Discuss
Thursday, April 01, 2004
At 96, a Uke Legend Still Has Plenty of Pluck
Touching and inspring profile of Bill Tapia in the LA Times today. Includes audio clips of Tappy playing Stardust and Stars and Stripes Forever. Can't wait to meet Bill in Santa Cruz later this month. Link (Free subscription required.) Discuss (Thanks, Kirby!)
Update: For readers who have had difficulty subscribing, see the Discuss link for full text.
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