Rabbit Muse Tide, one of Roanoke’s most beloved performers can still be heard on CD and on the Internet.
“Muse was black, the rest of the Tides were white. Although he appeared with the Tides only a few times — never on television — Muse was a popular entertainer who sang, played the ukulele, danced and told tall tales for two generations of fans of all colors. His mix of blues, country and pop standards made him a radio and festival favorite for six decades.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of his death, but his voice and music can still be heard on CD and on the Internet.”
My ukulele group plays an arrangement of "Darkness on the Delta" that Rabbit Muse performed on his album Muse Blues; we have a chord chart and an MP3 you can download at giantflightlessbirds.com/ukulele
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