I ventured out of Ukuleletown last night and took the boat to Provincetown, a way out on the tip of Ol’ Cape Cod
where a special movie and music event was taking place. Ukulele virtuoso Mary J. Martin was playing ukulele and piano accompaniment to a silent Harold Lloyd film "Safety Last" (1923)
being show to benefit station WOMR.
Not only did Mary do a great job providing the music for the film, but it was all improvised on the spot.
Not only did Mary do a great job providing the music for the film, but it was all improvised on the spot.
Mary Martin is my idol. I love her. Were this a perfect world, she would be more famous than all those skinney, self-indulgent bitches who eskew underwear, and she would be receiving millions of euros a year to create the wonderful music she plays on ukulele and viola, and we would all be better for it.
John Hicks
Harold Lloyd is my idol. I love him. Were this a perfect world, he would be more famous than all those skinney, ex-boyband members who facilitate wardrobe malfunctions, and he would be receiving millions of euros a year to hang on the hands of clocks, and we would all be better for it.
John Hicks
Mary Martin is my idol too but I wish she would eskew underware. I know that this is a perfect world because you can see her at the Ukulele Cabaret. Howie
well, i have infact seen Mary J Martin's underware and it is fine. four strings and all.
Underwear askew, or underwear eschew?
The mary/harold lloyd evening looks like it would have been amazing to see and hear. I had a film class in college with an eccenric professor who played piano during silent movies, and it was so much fun. You could get extra credit in class if you brought him specially herbed "brownies."
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