Wednesday, December 06, 2006

'tis the season

Night came early to Ukuleletown yesterday. 4:30 and the sun was dead and gone. And it was cold, cold as only a northern sea town can get in December. As I walked across the Commons on my way to the subway, I passed by the Frog Pond, which, as it is every year, was being transformed into a public skating rink.
I stopped, even though the wind was biting through my overcoat like a rabid squirrel. The trees had been decorated with lights all around the Pond and the perimeter was packed with small children and their parents watching a huge Zamboni swirl around on the ice, flattening it out for the skaters.
Each child, their breath clouding the chilly evening air, had a pair of skates slung over their shoulder. They were eager to get out there and slice up the virgin ice with those wicked blades.

Artist: ARMAN, Title: "Sliced Ukulele" Edition: 99, Size: 30 x 65 cm


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