A rainy night in Ukuleletown. Lean against the brick wall outside Louies. Close your eyes and listen… yeah. Whattaya hear? Plunk, plunk, plunk. Raindrops? Someone pickin’ on a ukulele? More like it. But it’s mean and growly, kinda dirty…like someone ran the sound through a meat grinder.
‘cross the street there’s a window with no curtains. Light so bright it all seems black and white. Man playing ukulele through a small amplifier.

He's called Waitswatcher.
dig it
A dark rainy night on what’s left of the bayou. The scent of domestic draft. Economic status only allows a pignose for a sound system. Adult uke. Some time you have to wait for years. founder
Very good player, always great videos and, of course, always great choices of songs.
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