Ah, yes; another sleepy afternoon in Ukuleletown. Robert Wheeler showed up at my door with beer in one hand and a gaggle of ukuleles in the other. How could I resist? Who could?
He brought:
A 3rd Wave Soprano...nice sound. Don't like laser-etchings
A Ukebrand soprano...beautiful old style sound and look. very light.
(these two are from now defunct companies)
A DaSilva Concert heart...this one surprised me with it's sound and playability.
A DaSilva Soprano heart
A DaSilva Soprano redwood
(Mike DaSilva has it together. Even if he does live on the wrong coast)
This is the very baritone that Eddie Connors created and designed and was strung re-entrant. It had a particularly interesting and useful tone for a bari. And the case it came in was so….so…right.
p.s. if you click on the pics, they get bigger...
Great uke orgy!
Da Silva seems to be lovely instruments.
Saludos from Spain!!
Yes but what were the beers that he brought?
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