This week Robert Wheeler, founder of Ukulele Consciousness, brought some lovely ukuleles over to my place to peruse and discuss over beer and a meandering cat. There were some predictable gems and a lovely surprise from Lyon and Healy.
They were: A Martin Tenor Ukulele…sounded and played with great charm even though the headstock had been broken and repaired at some past date.
A Wendell Hall Concert with the weird sound hole and a spruce top. Highly figured wood on the fretboard and a thinner, period sound.
A custom build sunburst Ditson-style Concert made by Mike Longworth especially for Robert. Great detailing. Crisp sound and presentation.
The best sounding of the bunch was a Martin Concert. Hands down. Why are they so sought after: play one and find out.
And…..my personal choice for most amazing was the Lyon and Healy Teardrop Soprano. Robert actually showed me the 1928 Patent for it in John King’s great book. A very small instrument, it had a super sound that was just right for vocal accompaniment. Although I was initially put off by the non-traditional shape, it’s charm soon won me over.

Then we drank some more beer.
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