The Big Chill has settled on Beantown. 20 degrees and windy today. The first dusting of snow fell the other day on the burg and already it looks mean and grey.
But the cold is something; it grabs you as you step out of Louies Bar and Grill and it slaps you in the face, reddens your cheeks and ears.
This ain’t no weather for long walks along the Charles.
Or busking. Singing outdoors for what the passerbys with give you.
Ian Schwartz is a ukulele player who does that in this town. On the streets of Boston and in the tunnels where the trains scream. In this weather he wears those fingers-sawed-off gloves and plays a tenor plugged in to a small amp. Big man. Towers over most of the people he is singing to. Weaves back and forth a little as he sings, kinda like a fighter.
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